Ahlu-Sunna Waljama’a: State minister and Goobaale are leading Soldiers fighting against us”

The Speaker of the Moderate Islamist group, Ahlu-Sunna Waljama’a, Abdinoor Mohamed Hussein speaking to goobjoog FM has accused some the government
officials including the state minister for presidential palace, Mahad Mohamed Salad and the commander of the third Battalion of Somali national Army,
Mohamed Jim’aale rooble aka Goobaale of leading soldiers fighting against Ahlu-Sunna Waljamaa.
“Mahad Mohamed Salad and Mohamed jim’aale Rooble aliases Goobaale are the commanders leading the soldiers fighting against us therefore we cannot say that
the government is fighting against us but these two high rank officials are fighting us while camouflaging themselves under Somali government’s name ” the
spokesman said.
The spokesman noted that they drove away Al-Shabab fighter from many towns and that they restored peace and stability in the areas but they were rewarded
with fighting and killings.
“There has been peace and stability in the town for last seven years but these two individuals are mangling the peace and are the factors that influenced
the eruption of these clashes” Abdinoor said.
Mr.Abdinoor underscored that military equipments flown from Adan Adde international airport were unloaded in DhuusamareebTown which fell into the hands of militias and pirates.
“The distributed weapons are ones which the militias fighting against us are using now” he said.
He underlined that they will head to Dhusamareeb town and other centers of Ahlu-Sunna as soon as possible, though he did mention the word “invasion”.
“Our plans are clear, we want to retrieve the garrisons and centers that we use to rule initially, the soldiers have move forward to annihilate our enemy” he asserted.
He added that they are not against peace and stability but that there are ways be followed and conditions needed to observed.
“If they withdraw from the idea of fighting and allow Ahlu-Sunna rule this land, we can reach peace” he briefed