Somali president officially opens new military training centre in Mogadishu

Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has officially opened new military training camp in Mogadishu on Tuesday.
A well organized opening ceremony held at the camp in attendance with ministers for Information, Defence and Internal security, Somali deputy prime minister, UAE ambassador to Somalia and other dignitaries.
This new military camp which is implemented the government of United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be the latest military academy built In Hodan district of Mogadishu.
H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud speaking at the opening ceremony of theArmy Training Camp said that the opening of training camps such as this one shows how Somali government puts more efforts on the annihilation of terror groups and the rebuilding of Somali National Army.
“This clear indication tha the government is fighting with Al-Shabab fighters and that the partner countries are side with Somali government to fight with the group, this is also indication of how the government of United Arab Emirates responded to our earlier demand, we requested UAE leaders to support us to take lion’s share in the process to rebuild the country” he said.
He added that Somali government is to discuss with UAE on how it could support Somali in humanitarian and important social projects.
UAE Ambassador to Somalia, Mohamed Ahmed Osman who also spoke at ceremony said that that its pleasure for his government to play very important role in the process to rebuild the nation especially political reconciliation, humanitarian aids, social projects and infrastructure and many others.
“We are helping Somalia to have its national Army be stronger than they are now, we offer them training and equipment, we intended this college for Somalia National Army to be trained, the construction project of this college started last year and ended this year”. He said.
We carry out many projects in Somalia including, humanitarian assistance, economic development, politics and infrastructure, some of our projects are conduction in lower Shabelle, Bay and Middle Shabelle regions, we are planning to open a hospital in Adi’asis district soon, the hospital will offer medical assistance and service for over 300 patients”, United Arab Emirates’ Ambassador, Osman added.
Graduation ceremony for the first batch of Somali military from this military academy has also taken place in the camp.