At least 700 Al-shabab members surrenders to the government,PM Abdiweli

The federal government of Somalia stated that the military operations against Al-shabab in South and Central Somalia is going smoothly and the federal government forces backed by AMISOM are reaching big achievements.
In a press conference Prime minister Abdiweli Sheikh said that at least 700 Al-shabab members have surrendered to federal government since the government has offered amnesty to the brain washed youth.
He urged the remaining Al-shabab members to take advantage of the government amnesty before the time expires.
The prime added that many areas including Barawe, the biggest base of Al-shabab in Southern Somalia came back to federal government’s control after the joint forces took over the towns without resistance from Al-shabab adding that the federal government will create interim administrations for the captured areas.
Immediately after the seizure of Barawe district, PM Abdiweli called humanitarian aid agencies, well-wishers, Somali communityespecially business people to deliver support to the people affected by the prolonged drought particularly the seized areas.
The federal government of Somalia has announced 45 day amnesty to members of Al -Shabab members including the brainwashed youth and the top leaders after US warplanes killed Al-shabab supreme leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Lower Shabelle region.