The President Of Southwest State finalizes his cabinet members

The president of southwest state Shariif Hassan Sheikh Adan finalized nomination of the remaining cabinet ministers of his administration on Saturday.
The spokeman of Southwest State of Somalia, Siyad Sheikh Omar Sheikh Dahir read the names of 20 ministers before the media as follows.
1.Abdifatah Geesey: minister for security
2.Hassan Hussein Mohamed , Minister for disarmament and rehabilitation of militias.
3.Salim Haji HassanOsman, Minister for Petroleum and Energy
4.Abdulkadir Sharif Sheekhuuna, Minister for Ports and Marine Transport
5.AbdinaasirAbdi Arush, Minister for Planning andInternational Cooperation
6.Isak Ali Subad Minister for Health
7.Salad Mohamed Noor Aliyow, Minister for Education
8.HassanIbrahim Hassan, Minister for Culture , Higher Education and technology
9.HassanAbdiMohamed, Minister for Information
10.Mohamed Omar Zaytun, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications
11.Abdullah Abdi OmarFanah, Minister for Youth and Sports
12.Abdullahi Sheikh Hassan: Minister of Commerce and Industry
13.Ahmed NoorMohammed Lohos, Minister for resettlement andDiaspora Affiars
14.Abdulkadir Noor Arale, Minister of Constitutional Affairs and Reconciliation
15.Omar Hassan Aden, Minister for Tourism and Wildlife
16.Mohamud Mohamed aka ma’alim Jiis, Minister for the Environment
17.Ahmed Mohamed Barre, Minister for Religious Affairs
18.Jeylaani Sheikh MohamedHassan, Minister for Labour and labourers
19. AdenMohamedHassan, Minister for Mining and Water Resources
20.AbdullahiMuse Abukar, Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Disabled Care
After the appointment, the ministers were sworn in and letter on,president Shariif Hassan Sheik Adan urged the ministers to carry out their duties as per the constitution and lead The Southwest State to fulfill the mission and vision of the state .
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