Banadir administration calls society to boost cleanness

A meeting about the cleaning and beautification of the city was held in Deyniile district of Banadir region.
The conference was attended by the governor of Benadir region and mayor of Mogadishu Hassan Mohamed Hussein, the director of national media Abdirahman Sheikh Yussuf Aladaala, other officials from Benadir administration and all district commissioners of Banadir region
The participants of the meeting discussed wide range issues including the sanitation of the city and how the administration and other parts of the society of Mogadishu could take part in dolling up the city before the anticipated international conferences to be held in Mogadishu.
After the meeting, the mayor of Mogadishu Hassan Mohamed Hussein alias Muungaab speaking to media underlined that the administration of Benadir region would take lion’s share in developing Deyniile district as far as credible.
On the other hand, the district commissioner Deyniile told the media that they highly appreciated the decision reached by Banadir region administration earlier for Deyniile to be the hosting district of this important meeting and promised that would work hand in hand with the other districts in the region as boost cleanness and other essential services in the city.