Weekly Press Conference on the Progress of the Government

The Minister of Information, H.E. Mustafa
Duhulow, today addressed the media, providing an update on the progress of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) over the last week. The Minister discussed various issues: progress in the education
sector; the implementation of development projects; the resettlement of refugees; the surrender of an Al-Shabaab leader in Luq; the development of Somali’s marine resources; and the on-going security
Progress in the education sector
The Minister spoke on the progress made in the education sector: “This week in Mogadishu, the Universities of SIMAD and Hormuud held graduation ceremonies for students who had recently completed their university degrees. 620 graduated from the University of SIMAD across
the faculties of Economics, Social Sciences, Commerce & Accounting and Computer Science. As well as this, the first batch of graduates in the field of Electrical Engineering from Hormuud University graduated as well. Those graduating were encouraged to take part in the rebuilding
of the nation. Both events awarded their top students with special certificates and medals. SIMAD University in particular gave a special award to the top three female students with a view to encouraging more young women to study.”
Development Projects
The Minister of Information spoke on the subject of development projects: “On January 14th, 2015 the Governor & Mayor of Mogadishu, Gen Hassan Mohamed Hussein (Mungab) cut the ribbon of a number of new development projects in Abdulaziz district in Mogadishu including a new road and a health center. The residents of Abdulaziz district welcomed the Governor and other senior officials to the ribbon cutting ceremony. Both projects will help to address the urgent medical needs
of the population in the area and at the same time will help to restore the image of the city. Omsan Muhiadin Ali Arif, the Abdulaziz District Commissioner, thanked the Governor of Banadir for
implementing these valuable development projects and said residents will make great use of the two projects. Governor Mungab said these projects aimed to develop the city which in turn will help in the
rebuilding of the country.”
Resettlement of Refugees
The Minister of Information spoke on the resettlement of refugees: “Luq District Administration in Gedo Region has been working on the resettlement of refugees from Kenya. Ahmed Buule Mohamed, the Luq
District Commissioner, stated that the administration had set up special committees to deal with the resettlement of Somali refugees from Kenya. The District Administration has prepared areas for
occupation by the returning returnees and they are ready to welcome them. Returnees will be fully supported throughout the process of re-settlement in the area. There was also a public awareness campaign in the area. The District has also prepared dedicated health clinics and important immunization campaigns for all returnees.”
The surrender of a Senior Al-Shabaab member
The Minister of Information spoke on the surrender of a senior Al-Shabaab member in Luq: “Luq District Police Commissioner, Siyad Abdulkadir Mohamed, confirmed that Sheikh Osman Sheikh Mohamed has
handed himself over to the FGS. Sheikh Mohamed was a well-known individual in Luq area, as he was the commander of Al-Shabaab militia in Luq area. He surrendered himself along with all his weapons. The Police Commissioner also stated that Sheikh Mohammed indicated that there are others within al-Shabaab who are planning to surrender and he stated categorically that the FGS would welcome any member of Al-Shabaab who is willing to renounce violence and join the peace
The Development of Somalia’s Marine Resources
The Minister of Information spoke on the development of Somalia’s Marine Resources: “On January 15th, 2015 around 30 seamen finished a 6 day seminar to enhance their ability to develop the marine resources that lie in Somali waters. Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources, FAO and Darul Hikma University delivered the seminar. The training included safety during operations at sea, as well as ways to develop Somalia’s marine resources, as the country is rich in marine resources. Another aspect of the training was how these seamen will be able to protect against illegal fishing and dumping of chemical waste in Somali waters, both of which have been significant problems in the past. Yusuf Ahmed Hirabe, the Chairman of Hikma University, Hussein
Ali Ahmed, FAO Representative, and Ahmed Mohamed Iman, the Director General of the Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources, spoke at the event and encouraged the participating seamen to take advantage of what they have learned over the last six days. The Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources has been making huge progress in terms of enhancing the capabilities and capacities of seamen as well as the employees of the ministry itself.”
The on-going Security Operations
The Minister of Information finally spoke on the on-going security operations: “Security Institutions have been conducting security operations which included house to house search and acting on specific
security alerts. These security operations have been very successful in Mogadishu and some of the regions. Joint Security forces conducted house-to-house search in Kaxda district in Mogadishu this week and as a result they captured Al-Shabaab suspects, as well as illegal weapons
and ammunitions. Security forces also successfully run similar operation in Heliwaa district in Mogadishu and found a mini factory of making bullets and other explosive items. As a result they dismantled
the center and captured 5 suspects. Somali Police force concentrated on specific places that they received tips from public in Howlwadaag district and arrested suspects with their vehicles that were planning to commit terrorist acts in the capital. As part of the Stabilization process these security operations will continue in order to bring peace and stability in Somalia.”