Candidates buy out voters and hold them till voting day- dispute resolution body

Candidates for the Lower House transport delegates to polling centres and keep them under their custody until they cast the vote, the dispute resolution body has said noting the practice amounted to the highest level of corruption in the electoral process.
In a statement the Independent Electoral Disputes Resolution said it had unearthed multiple cases of candidates manipulating delegates to vote in their favour grossly violating the electoral laws and code of conduct.
“We have established that some delegates transport delegates to locations near election centres, provide them with accommodation and keep them until the election day. Other candidates are denied the chance of meeting the delegates to present their manifestos or plan of action,” the IEDR said.
This amounts to the highest level of corruption, the body said.
The remarks come amid claims of voter bribery in various regions of the country.
The Abdirizak Barre led body also called on clans to ensure the 30% quota for women as provided for in the various agreements by the National Leadership Forum should be adhered to noting they have noted a number of cases where the requirement has not be effected.
To reduce the incidences of case, the IEDR has implored upon the State Indirect Electoral Implementation Team, SIEIT to share work closely and share information with its counterpart at the federal level, FIEIT.
The electoral appeals body said last month it had received about 1200 cases but noted some were not within its jurisdiction.