EXCLUSIVE: A Woman senior member of Al-Shabab arrested in Edmonton

A woman who was a senior member of Al-Shabab arrested in Edmonton after been identified by security intelligence officials as Al-Shabab operator and ISIS supporter.
Ayan Jama, 31 years old born and raised in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu has been obtained and found document indicating Instructions on how to build a bomb on her laptop and plastic hydrogen bomb.
According to the statement, her husband Mohamed Sakr, was a “senior figure” in Al Shabab fighters in Somalia. He was stripped of British citizenship by U.K. authorities and killed in a 2012 drone strike.
Likewise, Ayan Jama has participated in the recruitment and radicalization of a Canadian, whose eventual travel overseas to Syria was encouraged and partially financed by her,” according to the documents.
Mohammed Emwazi, known as Jihadi John, was a childhood friend of Jama’s late husband; Mohamed Sakr referred ISIS video found.
Al Shabaab militants attack hotel in Somali capital In July 2011, Jama travelled to Hargeysa, Somaliland, and a northern region that broke away from Somalia.
Somaliland authorities deported her to Dubai, but she then flew to Djibouti, intending to return to Mogadishu. However, she was prohibited from travelling to Somalia and went to the U.K where she intended to fly to Kenya but was arrested.
SOURCE: Global news