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Goobjoog News obtains Middle Shebbele & Hiran state formation roadmap

Storyline:National News

Goobjoog News has obtained a government memo setting the road map of Shabelle and Hiran State formation conference that is expected to kick off in Baladweyn in the coming days.

The timetable guides the entire state formation  process of the last remaining Federal State in the country. If all goes according to plan, the country will usher in a new state on December 1, 2015.

The process will last for four months period starting 6th of August to 1st of December 2015.


6/08/2015 : Stakeholders are required to sign state formation document.

06-15/08/2015: technical committee is to be appointed.

15-30 / 08/2015: Financiers set to start sponsoring the conference.

September 2105: Official opening day of the conference

20-September- 20 October 2015: Conference will enter its second phase.

20-September – 20 Oct 2015: State MPS to be selected.

1 Nov 2015: State MPs toi be issued with ID cards

1 Nov 2015: Swearing in ceremony for MPS

7 Nov 2015: regional assembly to elect speaker and his two deputies elected.

9 Nov 2015: state presidential elections committee to be appointed.

10 Nov: Presidential candidates to submit their forms and CVs.

11 Nov 2015: Campaign speeches by presidential aspirants .

14 Nov 2015: State President and his two deputies elected.

1 Dec 2015: State inauguration ceremony marked.


Goobjoog News