Government to harmonise humanitarian responses in the country

The government today opened the National Humanitarian Coordination Centre in Mogadishu which will serve as the nerve centre for coordination of humanitarian and emergency efforts in the country.
Humanitarian and Disaster Management Minister Dr. Maryan Qassim said the centre which is under the Directorate of the Humanitarian Planning and Response will play a critical role in coordinating all humanitarian efforts by state and non- state actors and ensure the effectiveness of the operations.
Dr. Qassim noted the centre will also be an information exchange hub through which ‘messages are relayed in a systematic manner and aligned with share objectives’. “The aim of the NHCC is to strengthen coordination and avoid duplication of efforts, improve access, accountability and transparency,” the minister said.
Several humanitarian efforts are underway in the country in response to the ongoing drought which has subjected some 6.2 million people in need of food. The formation of the centre is expected to harmonise the response efforts and develop a more coherent approach in ensuring needed support is effectively delivered.
The National Humanitarian Coordination Centre (NHCC) is composed of representatives from the Humanitarian ministry, ministries of health, water, agriculture, livestock, infrastructure, education, women and human rights.
Other members to the centre are representatives from the regional states, private sector and humanitarian agencies and institutions.