President forestalls showdown in parliament, session cancelled

Last minute intervention by President Mohamed Farmaajo forestalled a major political showdown in Parliament today as two factions of the Lower House leadership declared they would proceed with their own agenda when the House resumed today.
Sources indicate the President stepped in calling for cancellation of today’s session as tension built up in the city amid flying statements from both factions and orders to the security forces to ensure tight security in Parliament buildings.
Speaker Mohamed Jawari said Thursday the House will resume business today with the Beled Hawo border issue being the item on the order paper but his deputy had it otherwise. Ibrahim Mudey, the first deputy speaker argued the motion against Jawari would be the item on the order paper Saturday.
It was not however clear how the two would conduct business but a confrontation would have been inevitable forcing the President to intervene.
Sources privy to the development say the President met both Jawari, Mudey and second deputy Mahad Awad Friday night upon which it was agreed to cancel today’s session.
Former Presidents Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed warned yesterday the ongoing political crisis was causing concern in the country calling for sobriety in handling the issue.
A number of roads in Mogadishu remain closed as security forces up checks.