Somaliland and Khatumo agree on Five Articles
Storyline:National News

The self breakaway region of Somaliland and the unrecognized Khatumo State signed an agreement comprising of five articles in Hargeysa.
The articles were signed for both parties by the officials who were spearheading the talks.
The Articles agreed upon are as follows:-
- Somalialnd and Khatumo to display strong full determined on how to reach full consensus.
- To plan and work together on how to secure united Somaliland built on justice, good governance and respect for human rights and based on Islam on whose citizens are not regarded as foreigners but all to be equal.
- To expand the constitution of Somaliland in order to ascertain ideal power sharing based on justice emanating the leaders of Executive Councils, Legislation, Judiciary and government departments.
- To create administration devolvement of provincial, districts and towns levels and to define the power of each.
- To converge on another meeting on the 10th July 2017 to be held in Burao town to finalize the draft and to do consultation on the structures and procedures to implement broad-based meeting.
This agreement are jointly signed by the head of the committee for the talks of Somalialnd Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire who is also the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the head of the committee of delegates from Khatumo State Mohamed Sheikh Omar Hassa who is also the Speaker in the Parlimanent of Khatumo State.
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