Somalia to reopen National Library Soon, the president

Somali president, Hassan Shiekh Mohamud said his government is planing to re-open Somali National Library which was destructed during the civil war that the horn of Africa nation went through 1990s.
Speaking at the conclusion of three day Mogadishu Bookfair on Friday, Somali president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said that his government is carrying initiatives to set up Somali National library after it fell into ruin quarter century ago.
“The premises of the library was fenced with iron sheets in order to renovate it, soon it will completed” said the president.
Hundreds of lovers have turned up to participated the Mogadishu Book Fair, which sought to improve literacy and the art of writing in Somalia.
The annual exhibition, which opened Wednesday, was attended by more two thousand readers, local and international authors, poets, journalists, scholars, government officials as well as dignitaries, including the Turkish Ambassador to Somalia, Olgan Bekar.
This year’s event was bigger than the previous one.
Much of Mogadishu remains in ruins after a quarter century of conflict, and Al-Shabaab continues to launch suicide attacks on hotels where Somali lawmakers gather.
On Thursday night, one died and four others injured in Mogadishu after Somali forces tried to stop a car which suddenly exploded.