U bood dhigaalka

Xulka Germany oo markiisii afaraad ku guuleystay koobka Aduunka +Sawiro

GERXulka dalka Germany ayaa xalay ku guuleystay koobka Aduunka kadib markii ay ciyaar lays ku rafaaday ay la ciyaareen xulka dalka Argentina.

Labada xul ayaa waxa ay sameeyeen fursado goolal lagu dhalin karay balse 90-daqiiqo ee ciyaarta loogu talagalay waxa ay ku soo dhammaatay 0-0 sidaas darteed waxaa lagu daray 30-daqiio oo dheeri ah.

Dheesha oo ka dhaceysa garoonka Maracana stadium ayaa wadanka Germany waxaa gool lama iloobaan ah u dhaliyay  Mario Gotze daqiiqaoo 113-aad waxa uuna ahaa laacib badal ku soo galay daqiiqadii 88-aad.

Xulka Germany ayaana xalay nasiib u yeeshay in markoodii afaraad ay qaadaan koobka Aduunka waxaana laacibka ugu wanaagsan ee tartankaan ku guuleystay Lionel Messi.

Xulka Germany ayaa waxa uu noqday xulka kaliya ee qaarada Yurub ka socda ee ku guuleysta koobka Aduunka iyaga oo ku dheelaya wadamada Laatiin Ammerica.

Faah Faahinta Ciyaarta

Germany: Neuer 7; Lahm 7, Boateng 8, Hummels 6, Howedes 6; Kramer 5 (Schurrle 32, 7), Schweinsteiger 7.5, Muller 8, Kroos 7, Ozil 6.5 (Mertesacker 119), Klose 7 (Gotze 88, 8).

Badal aan la isticmaalin : Zieler, Grosskreutz, Ginter, Schurrle, Podolski, Draxler, Durm, Khedira, Weidenfeller.

Jaalayaal: Schweinsteiger, Howedes.

Goolka: Gotze 113.

Argentina: Romero 7; Zabaleta 7.5, Demichelis 6.5, Garay 6.5, Rojo 7; Biglia 6, Mascherano 6, Perez 6 (Gago 86, 6), Higuain 5.5 (Palacio 78, 5.5), Messi 7.5, Lavezzi 7 (Aguero 46, 6).

Badal aan la isticmaalin: Orion, Campagnaro, Di Maria, Rodriguez, Augusto Fernandez, Federico Fernandez, Alvarez, Basanta, Andujar.

Jaale : Mascherano, Aguero.

Xiddigii ugu wanaagsanaa Ciyaarta : Jerome Boateng.

Garsooraha Ciyaarta : Nicola Rizzoli (Italy)

Kasoo qeybgalayaal : 74,738.

We are the champions! Germany captain Philipp Lahm (front, second right) holds the World Cup aloft

On top of the world: Germany celebrate as they lift the iconic trophy at the Maracana

The boss: Germany coach Joachim Low (centre) lifts the World Cup as his players celebrate around him

Tears of joy: A weepy Andre Schurrle is congratulated by his girlfriend Montana Yorke after the match

Winners: Mario Gotze (left) and Thomas Muller celebrate the substitute's crucial goal

Mob rule: Gotze (No 19) is surrounding by his ecstatic team-mates after scoring

Joy and despair: The Germany players go wild after the goal but the Argentines are out on their feet

Big chance: Rodrigo Palacio (No 18) goes through in extra-time with glory beckoning

Not good enough: Palacio dinks the ball over Manuel Neuer - but it went wide

Going the extra mile: Andre Schurrle (right) has a shot saved right at the start of extra-time